Kids Growth & Development

There is a silent crisis impacting children across the world. Many children aren’t receiving essential help in early childhood because of inadequate screening and knowledge of the importance of proper jaw development.
Here at The Dentist Lounge, we understand the importance of prevention, early intervention, and tailored specialized care.

Consider These Vital Facts

Normal Craniofacial Development

  • By age 2, our cranial jaw bones are 55% developed.
  • By age 4, that number leaps to 75%.
  • And by age 12, we’re 92% developed. 
Early intervention is key in guiding your child’s growth and development toward its fullest potential. With early intervention, we can provide minimally invasive treatments that result in healthier happier lives.
We’re committed to establishing a solid foundation for your child’s long-term health and overall well-being. Our goal is to equip you with the tools to recognize signs and symptoms of underdeveloped jaws which lead to dental crowding, improper swallowing, dysfunctional breathing patterns, or airway distress.
Our tailored approach, aligned with your child’s developmental stage, guides them towards holistic health success.

Recognizing Signs of Underdeveloped Jaws in Children

Recognizing the early signs of underdeveloped jaws is critical. Some common symptoms include:

  • Mouth breathing
  • Bedwetting
  • Difficulty in school
  • Snoring
  • Restless sleep
  • Nightmares
  • Chronic allergies
  • Crowded teeth
  • Dark circles under eyes
  • Swollen tonsils/adenoids
  • Noisy or audible breathing

Recognizing Signs of Underdeveloped Jaws in Adults

Undiagnosed and untreated underdeveloped jaws can lead to an array of long-term complications that manifest in adulthood as:

  • Dental crowding
  • Airway dysfunction
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Mouth breathing
  • Sleep disorders
  • Mental health impacts
  • Bruxism (clenching/grinding)
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Obesity

Airway Health Advocates

The proper growth and development of dental arches are crucial for ensuring healthy sleep and airway function. It’s a simple fact but often overlooked: oxygen is a vital nutrient, even more so during a child’s formative years.
The mouth is where the airway journey begins. Adequate jaw size, proper tongue function, and nasal breathing are all essential for a well-functioning airway. Whereas a compromised airway may stem from small underdeveloped dental arches. Without enough oxygen, your child may not reach their full growth potential.
Our thorough assessment covers tongue function, tongue/lip ties, enlarged tonsils, palate shape, sleep assessment and jaw alignment. This helps us pinpoint any potential anatomical issues early on, so your child can steer clear of years of health and airway complications down the line.
Sometimes, addressing these issues requires a collaborative effort. That’s why we work closely with a team of trusted professionals, including myofunctional therapists, ENT specialists, sleep medicine doctors, speech-language pathologists, chiropractors, occupational therapists, and more. Together, we’re dedicated to guiding your child towards holistic health and well-being.

What is the root cause?

 Processed foods

Weak tongue / low tongue posture

 Weak facial muscles


Tethered Oral Tissues (TOTs)

Treatment Options for Children Growth and Development

Our team provides personalized nutritional counseling to families, offering in-depth guidance about the importance of diet in maintaining healthy teeth and gums.
Developmental guides offer invaluable support in children’s oral health by aiding in the natural growth and alignment of their jaws. These innovative tools gently shape the jaw structure, ensuring proper breathing and development from an early age.
Myofunctional therapy consists of exercises and techniques to correct oral habits and improve oral function, targeting issues such as tongue posture, swallowing patterns, and mouth breathing. 
Customized fixed expanders help guide jaw growth and correct bite abnormalities in children. These appliances work to create adequate space in the mouth, improving both airway function and dental alignment.
Using CO2 laser technology, we perform functional frenuloplasty to address tongue tie issues in children. This minimally invasive procedure helps improve tongue mobility and function, allowing for proper swallowing, speech, and oral development.  

Our Process

Stage 1: HABIT CORRECTING (starting at 6 months old)
It begins with addressing oral habits such as pacifier use, thumb sucking, and mouth breathing.
Stage 2: GUIDED GROWTH (starting at age 3)
As children grow older (age 3+), we focus on guided growth and myofunctional therapy for proper facial development. 
Stage 3: ORTHODONTICS (starting at age 12)
In cases requiring orthodontic intervention (age 12+), we may recommend fixed palatal expanders or clear aligner treatment to address bite issues.

The Impact of Mouth Breathing

Mouth breathing, especially at a young age, can negatively change the trajectory of facial development, resulting in abnormalities that affect facial muscles and dental structure. Our noses naturally filter the air we breath, while mouth breathing leads to a build-up of bacteria in the mouth and respiratory system. Physical signs such as an inability to seal lips, dark circles under the eyes, and changes in facial structure may indicate that your child is struggling to breathe, and sleep, properly.
Persistent mouth breathing can lead to:
Decreased quality of sleep
Impaired immune function
Reduced brain function and IQ
Speech and swallowing difficulties
Increased risk of dental disease: cavities and gum disease

Here Are The Facts 

Recent research suggests that children who had their first dental visit before age 2 required fewer operative procedures compared to those seen after age 2.
Missing out on key nutrients like vitamin C and calcium could make gum diseases 50% worse, leading to more severe bone and tissue damage. Studies show that being malnourished can make your mouth up to three times more susceptible to nasty oral infections!
In children aged 8 to 10 years, untreated dental caries can increase the chances of reporting trouble sleeping by a staggering 30%! (Extra: Plus, nearly 33% of children surveyed experienced sleep disturbances due to dental problems).