The proper growth and development of dental arches are crucial for ensuring healthy sleep and airway function. It’s a simple fact but often overlooked: oxygen is a vital nutrient, even more so during a child’s formative years.
The mouth is where the airway journey begins. Adequate jaw size, proper tongue function, and nasal breathing are all essential for a well-functioning airway. Whereas a compromised airway may stem from small underdeveloped dental arches. Without enough oxygen, your child may not reach their full growth potential.
Our thorough assessment covers tongue function, tongue/lip ties, enlarged tonsils, palate shape, sleep assessment and jaw alignment. This helps us pinpoint any potential anatomical issues early on, so your child can steer clear of years of health and airway complications down the line.
Sometimes, addressing these issues requires a collaborative effort. That’s why we work closely with a team of trusted professionals, including myofunctional therapists, ENT specialists, sleep medicine doctors, speech-language pathologists, chiropractors, occupational therapists, and more. Together, we’re dedicated to guiding your child towards holistic health and well-being.